Our Services

  • Consultation

    Don’t know where to start? Book a free consult and a receive personalised advice on how to achieve your fitness goals taking into account your lifestyle, previous experience and specific needs.

  • Online Home Training Programs

    Achieve Your Fitness Goals from Anywhere.
    Are you ready to embark on your fitness journey but prefer the flexibility of training from the comfort of your own home? Look no further!

  • Online Coaching Intermediate

    Do you already have experience lifting and you are seeking a personalised training program and nutritional guidance that will undoubtedly help you achieve your body goals? this one is for you.

  • Face to Face Coaching

    Transform your fitness journey with face-to-face training sessions at my private gym studio in Magil, where you'll learn to lift, receive a customized training program, personalized meal plan, and expert nutritional guidance to help you achieve your dream body.

    Face to Face Coaching



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